This script will be part of bazBot v2.Ø made by Ronny 1996 © the carrent script was made by baz`oo`ka. All you have to do is to past the folowin in to the mentioned place **** mIRC v4.7 Only!! **** Perform: remove $mircdir $+ rep.ini Events: #crk disabled 1:on text:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) { echo 3 -s not checking ops | halt } if ($len($parms) < %maxletters) { %cr = echo 3 -s not checking ops. } elseif ($len($parms) > %maxletters) { %cr = CK1 } %repter = $readini $mircdir $+ rep.ini %chnm $address($nick,3) %pars = $remove($remove($parms,[),]) %chnm = $remove($remove($chan,[),]) RepK } 1:on action:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) { echo 3 -s not checking ops. | halt } if ($len($parms) < %maxletters) { %cr = echo 3 -s not checking ops. } elseif ($len($parms) > %maxletters) { %cr = CK1 } %repter = $readini $mircdir $+ rep.ini %chnm $address($nick,3) %pars = $remove($remove($parms,[),]) %chnm = $remove($remove($chan,[),]) RepK #crk end Variables: %maxletters 9 %maxpercent 80 Aliases: colr if (*2 != $null) { return $chr(3) $+ $1 $+ *2 $+ $chr(3) } Repk { if (%pars == %repter) { ban -u10 $chan $nick 3 | kick $chan $nick §»¡«§ []bazßot[] Dont Repeat! We Heard you the first time ! $colr(12,(10 seconds ban)) []bazßot[] §»¡«§ } else { writeini $mircdir $+ rep.ini %chnm $address($nick,3) %pars | %cr } } Ck1 { %caps = 0 | %capspa = 0 %capsrm = $remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($remove($parms,!),@),%),$),^),&),$chr(35)),$chr(63)),$chr(41)),$chr(40)),$chr(32)),=),-,),_),+) :start inc %capspa if (%capspa == $len(%capsrm)) { goto end } elseif ($asc($mid(%capspa,1,%capsrm)) isnum 65-90) { inc %caps 1 | goto start } else { goto start } :end %capsnum = $len(%capsrm) %capsaltot = %caps * 100 | %capstot = [ %capsaltot / %capsnum ] if (($len(%capsrm) > %maxletters) && (%capstot >= %maxpercent)) { if ($me isop $chan) { %capsin = [ %capstot - %maxpercent ] %capskl = ( $+ %capstot $+ % Caps used, Which iS %capsin $+ % More Then You are Alowed.) kick $chan $nick §»¡«§ []bazßot[] Caps aRe Wayyy Lame. . . $colr(12,%capskl) []bazßot[] §»¡«§ } else { notice $nick Stop Shouting !!! Caps are SO lame ! ( $+ %capstot $+ % Caps used.) } } unset %caps* } Main popups: Caps/Repeat Detection : .Toggle Kick : { if (%detectcaps = Off) { .enable #crk | %detectcaps = On | echo 4 $active *** Caps Detection and Repeat Kick are ACTIVATED! | halt } else { %detectcaps = Off | .disable #crk | echo 4 $active *** Caps Detection and Repeat Kick are DE-ACTIVATED! | halt } } .- .Set Max Letters required : /set %maxletters $?="Max Letters allowed??" .Set Max Percent of Caps to Kick : /set %maxpercent $?="Max Percent caps??" .- .Settings : echo 4 $active *** Max Letters: %Maxletters | echo 4 $active *** Max Percent: %maxpercent $+ % .Credit : echo 4 $active *** This script was Written by baz`oo`ka, Made user-friendly by [Tohma]